April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Going on an Easter egg hunt and the bunny left.... a Leapster Star Wars game...

a concrete mixer truck...

a water gun...

and eggs of course!

March 28, 2010

Spring soccer season

This is his favorite part of the game (besides scoring goals)- "fighting for the ball". He loves going after the ball and getting it from the other team.
Of course he also loves scoring goals!!

Inbounding the ball with a super soccer kick...

March 27, 2010

Dinos and Sharks at the Natural History Museum

We saw the firetruck while walking around Balboa Park, so of course we had to check it out and take a picture.

By pushing the lever, he could open and close the dinosaur's jaw. Rooooaaaarrrrr!

He was scared of most of the dinosaurs and wouldn't stand close enough or still enough to take a picture.

He was scared of this huge shark and wouldn't let me take a picture of him...and he even loves sharks!

March 20, 2010

1st Swim of 2010

While everyone in Kansas and most of the US was receiving more snow, we were taking advantage of the heated swimming pool! It wasn't warm enough for me though, and it was only about 80 degrees outside too.
It didn't keep Ismael from enjoying the pool though! He spent an hour jumping in and out and throwing the toypedo to Kobe in the water.

December 23, 2009

Snow time

This is Ismael's first snowball and experience playing in the snow. He still acts like it's a rain puddle and has to step in the snow every chance he gets.
These are our snowmen. I forgot how much work it is...
And this is Ismael's first experience with sledding, or 'sweating' as he says.

December 18, 2009

Preschool Christmas program

This is from his preschool Christmas concert. He was bribed to sing with getting some speed racers from the 99 cent store, otherwise he'd be in the back acting like he didn't exist.

December 8, 2009

First time...

This is the first time Ismael's riding his new 'big boy' bike... Unfortunately there's a steep hill for a driveway, so he can't go too far yet. He loves wearing the helmet around the house...don't ask me why.

November 26, 2009

Soccer season #1

The Fireballs... Ismael picked #2

This was the 1st game of the season. It was pretty sad watching, but they came a long way over the season.

Going for the goal...

Chasing after the ball...

The aftergame tunnel...they enjoyed almost as much as the game and the snack afterwards.

The medal he's soooo proud of.