June 30, 2008

June gloom, not so gloomy

In southern CA, the cloudy month (it's really only cloudy until 10am and then it's the normal 80 degree sunny weather) is referred to as June gloom or Marine Corp fog/haze. This June was hectic as usual but everything seems to have worked out for the best. It was the last month of internship and being on call 6x/month. My orders got changed from Great Lakes (Chicago, aka Antartica) to stay here at Camp Pendleton (aka beautiful sunny southern CA). Granted, they waited until 2 days before I was having the movers get my stuff to settle the deal, but whatever, I didn't have to move. The first 2 pics are from Knotts Berry Farm. We went with some friends for a birthday. Ismael only "drove" the truck about 5x...

This is from the anual "hail & farewell". Basically it's a dinner with video skits that each resident year has but together about the past year, usually poking fun at themselves, the hospital & our staff.

This is Ismael just before I took out the 2 stitches under his nose. He had jumped off of the sofa & hit his face on the coffee table edge. I have to brag that he got no numbing medicine for the stitches & didn't even cry. He even told the doc thank you afterward.