December 23, 2009

Snow time

This is Ismael's first snowball and experience playing in the snow. He still acts like it's a rain puddle and has to step in the snow every chance he gets.
These are our snowmen. I forgot how much work it is...
And this is Ismael's first experience with sledding, or 'sweating' as he says.

December 18, 2009

Preschool Christmas program

This is from his preschool Christmas concert. He was bribed to sing with getting some speed racers from the 99 cent store, otherwise he'd be in the back acting like he didn't exist.

December 8, 2009

First time...

This is the first time Ismael's riding his new 'big boy' bike... Unfortunately there's a steep hill for a driveway, so he can't go too far yet. He loves wearing the helmet around the house...don't ask me why.

November 26, 2009

Soccer season #1

The Fireballs... Ismael picked #2

This was the 1st game of the season. It was pretty sad watching, but they came a long way over the season.

Going for the goal...

Chasing after the ball...

The aftergame tunnel...they enjoyed almost as much as the game and the snack afterwards.

The medal he's soooo proud of.

October 31, 2009


Here's the pumpkin's we carved. Ismael's is the 1st one, but I did most of it, 'cos the inside was 'disgusting'. Ismael didn't want to wear a costume to trick-or-treat (he really just wanted the candy), so he wore his soccer uniform and went as a soccer player to about 10 houses around the neighborhood.

October 24, 2009

Ismael's 4th Birthday

Opening presents...

Hot wheels from cousins...

Bumblebee transformer from Brit...

Dinosaur shirt from Grandma...

Cheesing for the camara with his cake that I made all by myself (I'm quite proud of it, though it was very easy to make).

September 6, 2009

Visit from Grandma

Ismael and Grandma at Dino Mountain at the Wild Animal Park in Escondido, CA.
Ismael hitching a ride from Grandma around the pool.
Ismael swam across the pool the day before and I was trying to have him do it for the camara, but he wasn't cooperating, of course.

July 31, 2009


This was the 1st day with his Tiger Woods golf clubs. He was so excited to have "real" clubs.

On their way to the golf range for the 1st time. Ismael was so excited he could hardly contain himself. Now he's hooked...

Outfit complete with the 'must-have' Titlist golf hat.
Here are the wild turkeys that run all over the place. The fly over the fence and into the back yard, then run away as soon as we come near.

He found another use for the exercise ball, better displayed by the video (don't miss the beginning).

June 10, 2009

Wichita visit

Ismael and Gpa after a sugar rush from snow cones...
Thomas the tank engine was visiting KS, so Ismael and cousins went to 'spend a day with Thomas'.

Drew and Quinn taught Ismael how to play t-ball, so I had to get him a glove once we returned to CA.

Ismael and Drew (3 yrs old), Quinn (5) and Cole (2 weeks).

June 1, 2009

Rocket Ship

This was Ismael's Mercury costume he made at school. They've been learning about the planets and sang the Spaceship song for the pre-K graduation last Friday.
Tonight we made rocketships in the play room out of the sofa pillows. It's complete with KU basketball (throw blankets) fire coming from the rocket....

May 26, 2009


For Memorial Day extended weekend we went to the Wild Animal Park. Here we are checking out "African Safari".

By far the winner for the day was the Dino Mountain exhibit that's new. He was a little scared of the dinos making the noises during the 'dino hunt', as he called it, but soon got over it. He's been talking about it everyday since we went and can't wait to go back...

And here he is at the play area... being a bat?

May 10, 2009

Under the water

Ismael's new feat is being able to go under the water. He won't leave the scuba mask on, so he holds it to his face and bites on the mouth piece to keep it in place.
We've even been throwing the toypedos back and forth under the water. He's gotten pretty good, so he can stay under for quite a few seconds.
Now I just need to teach him to swim...

May 3, 2009

AZ trip

Mom went to AZ to visit Travis, so we decided to crash the party. Ismael had a blast at this train park...but was there really any doubt he'd like it?
The mini size train...
And of course feeding the ducks at Tio Travis' apartment.... sorry for the poor quality of the video, need to change my settings.

April 25, 2009

March move

As most of you know, we moved in March to a great house with a solar powered heated pool! So of course, we spent every weekend in the pool and even some evenings. It's great for wearing him out! At first he was still pretty shy with the water, but he's gradually become more and more brave as you will see!
Ismael loves the new house and still insists on 'helping' me whenever possible. He's still handy with the tools!

After church on Easter, we had a great Easter egg hunt through the house and backyard. The Easter bunny did a really good job at hiding those eggs...I thought he'd never find them all. Of course, he does have the male gene of not being able to see what is right in front of him...
This is the one and only time he has used the floaties. We'll save them for visitors though...hint, hint. The toypedo is a favorite in the pool by all.

Another new pasttime is golfing, but still has a long way to go. Here he's using the putter to drive the ball. At least his eye's are on the ball...

More splashing in the floaties. I wonder who he's trying to get...?

And finally, this was his way of helping me prepare for a garage sale. Anything to keep him busy.

March 1, 2009

CA Spring

While everyone in KS spent spring in the cold, we were enjoying playing at the beach. Yes, we even went after church in our good clothes! Of course, I didn't let him get down and dirty...
That was reserved for eating cake batter... licking the spoon is a new favorite of his. (I know my mom will be shocked!)

January 4, 2009

New Year's Disneyland

Jan. 2nd we went to see Mickey again. Not much new there.

And of course, we spent a few minutes almost daily driving McQueen.