May 26, 2009


For Memorial Day extended weekend we went to the Wild Animal Park. Here we are checking out "African Safari".

By far the winner for the day was the Dino Mountain exhibit that's new. He was a little scared of the dinos making the noises during the 'dino hunt', as he called it, but soon got over it. He's been talking about it everyday since we went and can't wait to go back...

And here he is at the play area... being a bat?

May 10, 2009

Under the water

Ismael's new feat is being able to go under the water. He won't leave the scuba mask on, so he holds it to his face and bites on the mouth piece to keep it in place.
We've even been throwing the toypedos back and forth under the water. He's gotten pretty good, so he can stay under for quite a few seconds.
Now I just need to teach him to swim...

May 3, 2009

AZ trip

Mom went to AZ to visit Travis, so we decided to crash the party. Ismael had a blast at this train park...but was there really any doubt he'd like it?
The mini size train...
And of course feeding the ducks at Tio Travis' apartment.... sorry for the poor quality of the video, need to change my settings.