March 28, 2010

Spring soccer season

This is his favorite part of the game (besides scoring goals)- "fighting for the ball". He loves going after the ball and getting it from the other team.
Of course he also loves scoring goals!!

Inbounding the ball with a super soccer kick...

March 27, 2010

Dinos and Sharks at the Natural History Museum

We saw the firetruck while walking around Balboa Park, so of course we had to check it out and take a picture.

By pushing the lever, he could open and close the dinosaur's jaw. Rooooaaaarrrrr!

He was scared of most of the dinosaurs and wouldn't stand close enough or still enough to take a picture.

He was scared of this huge shark and wouldn't let me take a picture of him...and he even loves sharks!

March 20, 2010

1st Swim of 2010

While everyone in Kansas and most of the US was receiving more snow, we were taking advantage of the heated swimming pool! It wasn't warm enough for me though, and it was only about 80 degrees outside too.
It didn't keep Ismael from enjoying the pool though! He spent an hour jumping in and out and throwing the toypedo to Kobe in the water.