July 1, 2007

All Play & No Work...

This is in the museum on base...I'm thinking of getting one when Ismael starts dating.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go... Ismael finally has some tools to use with his workbench. As you can kind of see in the background, he's not exactly lacking in toys, but hey, I can't pass up good deals!! I'm still searching for a good deal on a play kitchen...

This is his favorite tool by far. He uses it everywhere, on everything & in everything. He'll just hold it in the air & let it run. Boys...

I don't know how he came up with this, but he's had to use it on everyone's feet.

He has spent lots of time with his tools & everyday he comes up with new ways to use them. Today he was using the electric screwdriver in his ear (& then in Pooh's ear).

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