May 28, 2007

Albuquerque, NM

May 27th we left Topeka on our 3 day trek to California. We stopped in Wichita for the afternoon then headed out at 9pm for Albuquerque. Ismael woke up at midnight in the middle of Nowhere, KS. It was 2 hours before we reached Liberal, KS & an open gas station to heat up his milk. It was smooth sailing again & we arrived in Albuquerque at 7:30am. Thankfully, the hotel let us check in early, so we didn't have to wander the streets until the afternoon. Ismael enjoyed cleaning the hotel room mirrors (see pictures)...his way of saying thanks, I guess. We left at 1am the next morning & headed for Scottsdale, AZ to visit Travis. I was definitely wishing to stay in bed, but a few caffeinated beverages kept me going...

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