May 30, 2007

Arrive in Oceanside, CA

May 30th we finally arrived in Oceanside & got to see the inside of the house. I had only seen the outside when house hunting in early May & a fellow church member had checked out the inside after I had left. While it's not huge or modern by any means, I was pleased. There are things I would change or fix if it were mine, but hey, I'm just thankful not to be living in an apartment anymore. Our household goods were scheduled for delivery the next day, which meant sleeping on the floor for a night. I was so tired I didn't care, but it was chilly (60 degrees outside) and I had only brought Ismael's blankets in the car with us.

1 comment:

Carl and Tisara said...

Hey Tracy! Welcome to Blog country! I look forward to hearing of all your adventures at oceanside!