June 25, 2007

One week down...

One week down of orientation & training, one more to go.... This past week has seemed like an eternity. It was frustrating & very exhausting, as I quickly realized that I had to follow up multiple times to assure things were properly taken care of (you know, important things like making sure I would get a paycheck eventually). Also, I have had to readjust to getting up earlier than I would like. We have had so many briefings & training on this & that, I really don't know anything anymore. Actually, today I learned that if I want a day off, I have to fill out 4 pieces of paperwork!!! Are you kidding? So, enough of that...

On Saturday, we (interns & family) had a BBQ at the beach. Ismael really enjoyed playing in the sand & kicking the soccer ball with his cousin Drew's long-lost twin. I'll get a picture soon...or I could just post one of Drew... Anyway, the water was about 65 degrees, so our feet were all that got wet. I hear the water is great in August & September.

After Ismael's nap, we went outside for a little bit of golf. Unfortunately, his $5 golf clubs from Walmart lasted all of 15 minutes, so it was a short game.

Sunday after church, I decided to clean the lawn chairs I had gotten at a garage sale. Ismael, however, wanted in on the action & decided to wash his car- all by himself, of course. He has definately entered the stage of wanting to everything himself... Afterwards, we played a few croquet games (Ismael's golf clubs were exchanged for sturdier croquet clubs). I must report that Ismael & I beat Axel 2-1.

So, another week of painful orientation & training... tomorrow it's Neonatal Resuscitation...

June 17, 2007

Boxes & more boxes

In the past 2 weeks the house has gone from full of boxes scattered everywhere, to just a few boxes left unopened. We've been busy trying to sort through everything, clean, organize & re-organize. It has felt like a never-ending process.

I found a little lizard inside the house one day, which prompted us to head to Home Depot for ways to cover up a couple of openings beneath the screen doors. Hopefully that's the one & only uninvited visitor we ever have here.

I also had to endure check in at the hospital, which was a waste of about 3 days of my life. I was sent all over the place & continually got the run around, that's pretty typical of everything I've had to do in the Navy though.
This past weekend I tried to relax a bit, so we headed to the San Diego County fair in Del Mar on Saturday. It was really big, with livestock, information booths, concerts, performances, exhibits, & rides. As always, it was beautiful day, low 70s, not humid, just perfect. I, the white girl from KS, managed to still get fried (thus there are no pictures posted of me). Ismael had lots of fun seeing everything & riding the carousel & ferris wheel (where these pictures were taken). He managed to "win" a dog & Cookie Monster & by the end of the day was exhausted (as were we all).

June 1, 2007

The "fun" begins...

For the first few days (ok, almost a week), the dining room table was covered with stuff to be put away, so Ismael & I ate our meals at this box.

One day Ismael found his Bugs Bunny lamp in one of the boxes & ever since he wants to do everything with his large stuffed Bugs Bunny. As you can see, he wants to eat with him, play with him, read books with him, sleep with him...we even have to take him in the car with us if we go somewhere.

Ismael has been a great "helper". He even helped me move the sofas so that I (we) could vaccum under them.

Getting everything put away & settled has actually taken longer than I expected. I've had to clean everything & do certain things only when Ismael is sleeping, other things only while awake, plus run errands & take care of things on base (which seem to take forever!). My new favorite product is the Magic Erasers. I've cleaned the appliance handles, doors, & toys, & they look brand new afterwards! It's so addictive, I started going through the house looking for more things to use them on! Through it all, we have to make time for a bit of fun too!! Ismael loves playing outdoors. The backyard is nice & private. Airplanes & base helicopters fly over every now & then, so we have to stop everything to find it when we hear it.

This is a view from the master bedroom balcony...hopefully I'll find time to enjoy it sometime soon!