June 17, 2007

Boxes & more boxes

In the past 2 weeks the house has gone from full of boxes scattered everywhere, to just a few boxes left unopened. We've been busy trying to sort through everything, clean, organize & re-organize. It has felt like a never-ending process.

I found a little lizard inside the house one day, which prompted us to head to Home Depot for ways to cover up a couple of openings beneath the screen doors. Hopefully that's the one & only uninvited visitor we ever have here.

I also had to endure check in at the hospital, which was a waste of about 3 days of my life. I was sent all over the place & continually got the run around, that's pretty typical of everything I've had to do in the Navy though.
This past weekend I tried to relax a bit, so we headed to the San Diego County fair in Del Mar on Saturday. It was really big, with livestock, information booths, concerts, performances, exhibits, & rides. As always, it was beautiful day, low 70s, not humid, just perfect. I, the white girl from KS, managed to still get fried (thus there are no pictures posted of me). Ismael had lots of fun seeing everything & riding the carousel & ferris wheel (where these pictures were taken). He managed to "win" a dog & Cookie Monster & by the end of the day was exhausted (as were we all).

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