July 2, 2007

When to visit...

Anyone is free to visit anytime, but I've had several people ask for a general schedule, so here it goes...
Good times to visit: July 2-29, Aug 27-Sept 23, Oct 22-Nov 18, Jan 14-Feb 10, March 10-April 6. By "good", I mean I'll be working 7am-5:30ish M-F, overnight call every 4th night.
Okay times to visit: Sept 24-Oct 21, Nov 19-28, Dec 10-16. By "okay", I mean I'll be working 5am-5:30ish M-F, overnight call every 4th night, weekends 8-12, probably only 4 days off all month.
The times not listed above means I'll hardly see you if you visit, & when I do see you, I'm guaranteed to be very, very cranky & tired.
If/when you decide to visit, please let me know ASAP. The reason being that it takes an act of Congress for me to get a day off or even request not to be on call certain days. I have to put in my requests 3 months in advance, & once the schedule is made, it's very hard to change. Go Navy residency!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,
Thanks for the pictures you sent for me. I really enjoyed seeing Ismael's pictures. I love to see you guys, but since I know I can't make it by september. I will let you know whenever I could come down there. kisses