August 5, 2007

Waterfull pool

So when the weekend finally rolled around, it was time to put water in the pool. It was a little chilly with the breeze, but Ismael didn't care. He loves pouring things from one container to another & dumping it out again. The problem comes at bathtime, 'cos he throws the water out of the tub!
We spent Saturday & Sunday in the pool. At night I wear him out by having him help me fill up a cup, carry it to the rose plants, dump it out & go back for more. Most of the water ends up on himself before he even makes it to the flowers, but he doesn't care & all I care about is getting him tired for bed!
You may wonder how we got the pool home, since we just have 2 little corrollas. Well, Axel tied it to the top of the car & we drove home with on the roof. Yes, we looked like idiots, but it was for a good cause!

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