August 21, 2007

Post call Thrift Store find...

On my post call days I'm off by about noon (25-31 hour shift), I go home & try to take care of "stuff", shower, & nap until 2:30pm. I then pick up Ismael from daycare & try to take advantage of the few extra hours with him. Usually we spend the afternoon outside, so Ismael can run, jump, & get tired (so he sleeps through the night!).

On my way home this day, I decided to stop by the Navy Thrift Store on base. I ended up buying this swing for $2 & 2 other toys in great shape for $.50 each!! Hey, like I said before, Ismael doesn't need any toys, but hey, what a deal!!

I'm not sure where he gets it, but Ismael still loves to clean. In the bathtub, he sprays water on the tub & wipes it with the wash cloth over and over. He likes to help load the dishwasher & vaccuum & clean the table tops. Here he is going to town with his vacuum.

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