September 19, 2007

Break-in, Earthquake & Visit

As you can see from the picture, Ismael is asking for someone to play with....besides Mom, that is. She can't keep up, especially post-call.

Ismael is super proud that he figured out how to blow bubbles (instead of sucking on the stick). Other Ismael novelties... he's talking & repeating a lot, still learning the alphabet & colors, jumping all over the place....

So here is a picture of the front door after someone tried to break in the morning of Aug 29th. They weren't successful, but they sure tried. They pried off all of the window screens as well. So, that was the end of leaving the front door open in the evening (it allowed a great breeze) while I'm upstairs putting Ismael to bed.
Sept 2nd I was on call at the hospital & while I was working in my office, I felt everything shake for a few seconds. I went into the hallway & people didn't seem to notice. I figured maybe it was just the marines training a bit too close, since I frequently hear the helicopters & gunfire throughout the day & night. I later learned, however, that it was an earthquake in Lake Elsinore (? about 30 miles NE of the hospital) of 4.7 on the Richter scale. So, I experienced my first CA earthquake.

The next weekend, Sept 6-9, Travis came to visit from AZ. Ismael had lots of fun playing with him, especially after he gave him a little matchbox car. We didn't really do much, but we did go to the beach & Trav actually braved the cold water. That weekend it had cooled down, so the water felt even colder than it already was. Since then we've only been in the mid-80s during the day & it gets in the 60s at night/early morning.

Next week I will be back on my 12+hr days. The worst part, I think, is the fact that I'm 2 hours behind everyone in KS, yet I still am at work before most of you even wake up. Yes, boo who, poor me, whatever. What this really means is that I won't likely be updating this for quite a while...we'll see.

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