September 22, 2007

Accidents...a hectic Saturday

The day started out nice...we read books together, went downstairs to make breakfast....but Ismael, curious as he is, wanted to help make pancakes without asking first. So, he grabbed the bowl of flour mix off of the counter & oops!! The picture is actually after a quick attempt to clean him off, so it was worse than the picture shows. I changed his clothes & decided to bath him later, since we were going to a wedding in the afternoon. I decided to sit him on the countertop, as I often do, to have a better view of the cooking & relieve my arm from holding him while I cook. I turned around to get his sippy cup & as I turn back towards him, I see him going head first onto the cement tile floor. He ended up with about a 1.5 cm laceration of the forehead & a visit to the ER for "skin glue" (dermabond). So, he never got the bath he needed to remove all of the pancake mix, because he can't get the glue wet for 2 days. But, thankfully he was okay, & nothing more serious came of it. We now pull over a dining room chair for him to "help cook" more monkeys sitting on the counter.

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