September 30, 2007

Circs, poop & play

Not much exciting to tell... I've been busy the past 2 weeks taking care of the newborns at the hospital. I've determined that I have the ability to make babies poop and/or pee just by entering the room. How do I know this? Because 9 out of 10 times I will find a dirty diaper on exam, or they will be in the process of making it dirty as I open it up. My favorite of all though is when they pee on me while they're strapped down for circumsision. They're lucky I don't slip... Yes, my life is oh so exciting...
Ismael continues to do well, on the right he is jumping on my stomach (much safer than jumping on the bed or the countertops). He has learned his colors in English & Spanish as well as some of the letters & numbers. In 2 weeks he'll officially be in the terrible twos...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola! The pics are really cute and I love keeping up with you all thru the blog. love to you all, Aunt Karen